Mar 1Liked by Brittany Polat

I haven't heard of 'Effective Altruism' until now. I am in favor of helping people when it makes sense to do so. However (and I hope this doesn't come across too negatively), I wonder why? Is altruism a virtue unto itself? It is not one of the 4 Stoic virtues. Richard Dawkins, in his book The Selfish Gene, proposes that there is no altruism. The genes of living creatures seek to perpetuate themselves and what appears altruistic is a larger scheme to maximize this probability. Perhaps this is why Cicero emphasizes helping people closer to us. The more we help our immediate surroundings the better our own chances for survival in them. Or, is there another purpose behind altruism? Maybe as another path to the tranquility and joy the Stoics seek? These are all just questions that come to mind when I consider the topic.

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